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Notice of Lectures by Dr. FARIZAL RAZALLI and Dr. MAX ZHANG

Published on:Mar 15, 2019

Dr. FARIZAL RAZALLI from National University of Malaysia and Dr. MAX ZHANG (Canadian) from DMU Law School will jointly host a series of lectures on Environmental Law. Youre all welcomed to attend!

Time: March 20, 2019 at 14:00 17:00

Location: Law Building Room 214

Lecture 1: Energy Cooperation and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI): Designing the Mechanism in the South China Sea


Lecture 2: The Electric Silk Road: Electricity Integration in Greater Asia and beyond

Speaker: Dr. MAX ZHANG

About the Speakers:

Dr. FARIZAL BIN MOHD RAZALLI is a senior lecturer at the Center for History, Political Science& Strategic Studies, National University of Malaysia. He respectively obtained master degree in Strategy & Diplomacy from Institute of Diplomacy & Foreign Relations, Malaysia at National University of Malaysia and master degree in Global Studies - A European perspective from Vienna University, Austria, and obtained his PhD degree with distinction in Political Science (regional energy politics in Latin America-Southeast Asia) from Institute of Political Studies Paris. His research focused on international relations and international cooperation, and he has made abundant achievements in energy cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiatives.

Dr. MAX ZHANG received his Juris Doctor degree from Lewis & Clark Law School, Portland OR. USA and is a licensed lawyer in Oregon State. He received his bachelors degree of Engineering Science, Chemical Engineering at University of Western Ontario, London ON. Canada. Dr. Zhang joined DMU law school in March 2018 and currently focuses on Environmental and Energy Law research and teaching.

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