新闻|法学院Proshanto K. Mukherjee教授受邀参加“海商法和保险法国际研讨会”


6月22-24日,大连海事大学法学院Proshanto K. Mukherjee(中文名:穆科技)教授受邀参加了土耳其安卡拉大学(Ankara University)和马尔马拉大学(Marmara University)联合举办的“海商法和保险法国际研讨会”。该系列研讨会由土耳其马尔马拉大学法学院海商法系负责人Pinar Akan教授发起,以国际海商法为主题,每两年举办一次。Proshanto K. Mukherjee教授受邀参加了该研讨会自创办以来13年间的全部会议,或担任发言嘉宾或担任小组主持人。受疫情影响,该系列研讨会在2021年举行了两次线上会议,本次会议是第三次线上研讨。

本次会议为期三天,主题为“海商法和保险法前沿问题”,来自土耳其、意大利、英国、美国、瑞典、比利时、葡萄牙等国的几十位专家学者对当前热点学术问题进行了交流和探讨。讨论的内容包括:滥用集装箱船进行非法贸易的政治经济影响和海事立法规制、英国上诉法院关于The Polar一案的判决分析、货运代理人提单的物权凭证性质、信用证和运输单证的差异、航运制裁问题、战争险条款和租船合同、关于船舶司法拍卖的最新立法草案、Just in Time理念为提高航运效能所做的合同安排、巴拿马法律对留置权人和海事债权人的保护、错误扣船的法律责任、新科技对航运法的影响、活动物运输中的适航问题、保赔保险的演进、人工智能对海上运输和保险的影响、欧盟关于航空器经营人的第三方责任保险、保险经纪人在被保险人履行告知义务中的角色、美国关于多式联运和门到门进出口贸易的货物保险。


Proshanto K. Mukherjee教授受邀主持了6月22日的会议讨论,并在6月24日的会议上以 “The Evolution of Protection and Indemnity Insurance(保赔保险的演进)”为题做了发言。他在发言中介绍了保赔保险的基本原则和特征,保赔保险自18世纪至今不断发展演进的过程,并结合中国《海商法》《海事诉讼特别程序法》介绍了保赔保险在中国的发展现状、中国船东互保协会为会员提供的服务及其与国际保赔协会集团之间的联系。

Proshanto K. Mukherjee教授曾任(瑞典)世界海事大学(World Maritime University)副校长,是海商公法和私法领域享有国际声誉的资深学者。自2013年起受聘为我院的全职法学教授以来,为海商法的教学和科研作出了卓越的贡献。近年来,Proshanto K. Mukherjee 多次在国际学术交流中介绍中国海商法的最新发展,真实、立体、全面地向国际社会展示了中国海洋法治建设的成果。

An International Maritime Law Symposium organized by Professor (Dr.) Pinar Akan, Dean of Law, is hosted by Marmara University in Turkey every two years. Professor Proshanto K. Mukherjee of DMU has been a speaker or Session Moderator/Chairman at these symposia for the past 13 years. This year, a special three-day International Symposium on the theme Current Issues in Maritime and Insurance Law was held online hosted jointly by Ankara University National Centre for the Sea and Maritime Law (DEHUKAM) and Marmara University Faculty of Law. This has been the third virtual symposium/congress since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic.

On this last occasion, Professor Mukherjee was the moderator of the first session on the first day, 22 June and was a speaker on the last day, 24 June, 2022. He spoke on the topic “The Evolution of Protection and Indemnity Insurance”. Professor Mukherjee is also a Member of the Scientific Committee of the Symposium.

Professor Mukherjee is a senior scholar of international repute in the fields of public and private maritime law. He has been a full-time Professor of Law and Foreign Expert at the Law School of Dalian Maritime University since 2013 and has made outstanding contributions to the teaching and research programs of the Law School. In recent years, Professor Mukherjee has, on numerous occasions, presented to the international legal community, the latest developments in Chinese maritime law at several international fora and provided an exposé of the maritime law achievements of China.


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