讲座通知 |【明德尚法讲堂】Howard Bennett:英国法下海陆碰撞法律制度的源起和差异


应法学院邀请,英国诺丁汉大学法学院Howard Bennett教授拟为我院师生举行学术讲座,欢迎关注。具体安排如下:

讲座题目:英国法下海陆碰撞法律制度的源起和差异(Collisions at Sea v Collisions on Land under English Law: History and Difference )


讲座平台:ZOOM 会议

主讲人:Howard Bennett教授(诺丁汉大学法学院)



Howard Neil Bennett教授,自1989年起在诺丁汉开始学术生涯,2001年被任命为Hind商法讲席教授(Hind Chair of Commercial Law)。他的研究涉及商法的各个领域,对于国际贸易法和海商法(特别是海上保险法和跟单信用证以及独立保函)的研究最为突出。除在英国从事教学科研并发表过大量关于商事交易的公开演讲、会议发言以外,他还曾在澳大利亚、中国、中国香港、马来西亚、新加坡、韩国和瑞士举办过讲座。他的独著包括《海上保险法》(2006年第二版)和《代理法原则》(2013年),他作为编者参与了一系列权威著作的编写工作,包括:“Carver on Charterparties”(2017年版)(作为主编), “Vulnerable Transactions in Corporate Insolvency”(2003年版)(作为联合主编), “Benjamin's Sale of Goods”(负责该书自2008年至今所有与国际贸易融资有关的章节的编写),“Scrutton on Charterparties and Bills of Lading”(自2011年起)。他曾为在主要期刊上发表了多篇文章。他是Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly的编委员会成员,也是King's Bench Walk大律师行的荣誉成员。

Notice of Online lecture

Topic:‘Collisions at Sea v Collisions on Land under English Law: History and Difference’

Date:10 December 2021 (Friday), 18:30-20:00 PM, Beijing time

APP:ZOOM meeting

Speaker:Prof. Howard Bennett, University of Nottingham


About the speaker:

Howard Bennett has pursued an academic career at the University of Nottingham since 1989, being appointed to the Hind Chair of Commercial Law in 2001. He has a general interest in commercial law with special interests in international trade law and maritime law (particularly marine insurance law and the law of documentary credits and autonomous guarantees). He has given numerous talks on commercial transactions law, including public lectures, presentations at professional seminars, conference presentations, and lectures to legal practitioners. Outside of the United Kingdom, he has given talks in Australia, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and Switzerland. He is the author of The Law of Marine Insurance (2nd edition 2006) and Principles of the Law of Agency (2013), and a member of the authorial teams of Carver on Charterparties (2017) (also general editor), Vulnerable Transactions in Corporate Insolvency (2003) (also co-editor), Benjamin’s Sale of Goods (as from 2008) (with responsibility for the chapters relating to international trade finance), and Scrutton on Charterparties and Bills of Lading (as from 2011). He has contributed essays to collections on maritime law and personal property law, and is the author of several articles in leading journals. He is a member of the editorial board of the Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly and an honorary member of chambers at 7 King’s Bench Walk.


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