新闻 |【中外合作办学】英国斯旺西大学向2024级新生致以热烈欢迎与美好祝福



2024年9月,大连海事大学与英国斯旺西大学合作举办法学专业本科教育项目正式启动并迎来了第一批新生。10月13日,新生开学典礼在大学生活动中心104报告厅隆重举行,斯旺西大学校领导、法学院领导等以视频的形式向2024级新生致以热烈的欢迎与美好的祝福,斯旺西大学海商法本科双学位项目教师Joe Garthwaite、项目导师Sunny Zhao出席典礼,Joe Garthwaite在典礼上致辞


斯旺西大学校长Paul Boyle教授代表斯旺西大学全体师生对加入项目的新生表示热烈欢迎,项目的学习能够帮助同学们融入以追求创新、合作和卓越为理念的国际社会,同学们将受益于理论与实践结合的教学模式,成为斯旺西全球学习大家庭的一员,期待大家能亲临斯旺西大学学习交流。

Prof. Paul Boyle(Vice-Chancellor): I'd like to welcome you onto this exciting partnership program. The journey that you're about to embark on, is not just about earning a qualification. It’s also about becoming part of a dynamic global community that values innovation, collaboration and excellence. Throughout this program, you’ll benefit from a unique blend of academic excellence and real world experience. We’re excited to welcome you into our global community and we hope that you may get the chance to visit Swansea in person one day.


斯旺西大学副校长、人文与社会科学部负责人Ryan Murphy教授在致辞中表示,同学们的未来是斯旺西大学的首要任务,项目全体人员将竭尽全力提供支持和帮助,助力同学们在全球就业市场中脱颖而出。

Prof. Ryan Murphy(Pro-Vice-Chancellor): Your future is our priority. We know how important it is to graduate with skills which will help you stand out in the global job market. All of those involved in this program will do their utmost to support you to succeed and make this happen.


斯旺西大学法学院院长Alison Perry教授在致辞中谈到,虽然项目刚刚开启,但斯旺西大学与大连海事大学的合作已开花结果近20年,许多学生从中受益匪浅,期待在接下来的四年里看到同学们的成长与进步。

Prof. Alison Perry(Head of Law School): We're excited to see so many of you have placed yourselves at the forefront of legal education by enrolling in this cutting edge degree. While this program might be new, our relationship with Dalian Maritime University has been bearing fruit for nearly two decades with students reaping the benefits that only two titans in maritime law could offer. We look forward to seeing you progress and develop over these next four years.


斯旺西大学国际贸易与航运法研究中心负责人Baris Soyer教授、斯旺西大学中外合作办学项目负责人Tabetha Kurtz-Shefford博士向全体新生表示热烈欢迎,在未来的四年里,希望同学们努力学习、保持热爱,一起度过美好愉快的时光,并期待能与同学们见面交流。

Prof. Baris Soyer(Director of Institute of Shipping and Trade Law) and Dr. Tabetha Kurtz-Shefford(Director of DMU/SU Joint Double Degree Programme): Welcome to this innovative program,which we have just launched and you have just enrolled. It is going to be a very exciting opportunity, because it's a program which brings two giants on maritime law together - Dalian Maritime University on one hand, and Swansea University shipping and trade law on the other hand. We very much hope that you will enjoy your time with us in the next four years.


Joe Garthwaite老师向新生们致以热烈的欢迎。他谈到,同学们的加入,为这一卓越项目注入了无限生机与活力;中外合作办学项目所精心设计的课程,不仅是一座桥梁,深深连接着知识的海洋与思维的殿堂,更是一条纽带,紧紧联系着不同文化精髓与多元理念的光芒;能在此耕耘奉献,深感荣幸与自豪,希望在这场双向奔赴的奇妙旅程上,我们能够携手并肩,共筑辉煌。

Mr. Joe Garthwaite: I want to thank you – our new Law students, for enrolling on this course, which is such a great opportunity. This degree programme not only allows the exchange of knowledge and ideas but also of different cultures and understanding. I am so proud to be able to have a part to play in this and I know there are many colleagues who will eagerly follow me in the future. Teaching and learning never goes solely in one direction – you will guide and inspire us, much more than you will ever realise.


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