

应法学院邀请,美洲司法研究中心(Justice Studies Center of the Americas) Jaime Arellano、Marco Fandiño、Leonel González一行三人拟于2019年7月12日为我院师生作法学讲座。讲座信息如下:



讲座一:Judicial Reforms in Latin America(拉丁美洲国家的司法改革)

讲座人:Jaime Arellano


讲座二:Judicial Training in Latin America(拉丁美洲国家的司法培训)

讲座人:Marco Fandiño,Leonel González



Jaime Arellano,拥有智利天主教大学法学学位、美国大学公共管理硕士学位,系美洲司法研究中心的执行主席(2014至今)、智利圣地亚哥Jara & Marín律师事务所高级合伙人(2010至今)、智利经济发展署(CORFO)的总法律顾问(2006-2010)。他曾先后在圣地亚哥大学、智利司法学院、智利大学、智利天主教大学和美国大学任教。Arellano先生在智利司法体系改革的一系列举措中发挥了主导作用。


Marco Fandiño,圣地亚哥康柏斯特拉大学法学学位,马德里自治大学治理与人权硕士学位,2017年至今担任美洲司法研究中心研究和项目主任。Fandino先生是人权、民刑事诉讼法改革、替代性争端解决和司法正义等方面的国际顾问和讲师,在上述领域发表了多部很有影响力的文章和著作。


Leonel González,刑法方向专业律师,布宜诺斯艾利斯大学法学学位。曾任职于阿根廷刑事和社会科学比较研究所(阿根廷)和阿根廷司法部门联邦刑事法庭,现担任美洲司法研究中心(JSCA)培训主任。具有丰富的法律咨询服务经验,曾主持和参与了众多国际项目。

Notice of Lectures

Time: 14:30-16:30 PM, July 12, 2019

Location: Room 208, Law Building

Topic One: Judicial Reforms in Latin America

Abstract: The Criminal and Civil Procedure Reforms in Latin America will be explained, identifying the main features of the operation of justice in these two matters.

Speaker: Jaime Arellano

Language: English

Topic Two: Judicial Training in Latin America

Abstract: It will explain the main innovations in judicial training in Latin America based on an empirical study.

Speakers: Marco Fandiño,Leonel González

Language: English

About Speakers:

Jaime Arellano

Jaime Arellano is the Executive Director of the Justice Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA). He is also an attorney graduated from Catholic University of Chile Law School, with a Master’s Degree in Public Administration (MPA) from American University. Jaime Arellano was appointed Deputy Secretary of Justice of Chile by President Ricardo Lagos, serving that position the entire political term (2000 through 2006). During that time the Chilean Justice System went through ground breaking reforms in which Mr. Arellano played a leading role. Since May, 2010, Mr. Arellano has been Senior Partner at the Law Firm of Jara & Marín in Santiago de Chile and done international consultancy supporting criminal justice and family justice reforms in Mexico and Ecuador and Congressional reform for the IDB Inter-American Development Bank. Between 2006 and 2010, Jaime Arellano was the General Counsel for CORFO, the Economic Development Agency of Chile. Mr. Arellano has been faculty at University of Santiago and Chile’s Judicial Academy and has taught at the Law Schools of University of Chile, Catholic University of Chile and American University Washington College of Law.

Marco Fandiño

Marco Fandiño Castro, who holds a law degree of Universidad de Santiago de Compostela and a master’s degree in Governance and Human Rights of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, is the Director of Research and Projects of JSCA. He has abundant professional experiences in international cooperation-funded research project coordination, forming and leading interdisciplinary teams, international consultant and instructor on topics related to human rights, criminal and civil procedure reform, alternative dispute resolution and access to justice. And he also has many influential articles and publications in the above fields.

Leonel González

Leonel González Postigo is an attorney specializing in Criminal Law with a degree from the University of Buenos Aires Law School (Argentina). He was the Coordinator of the Institute for Comparative Studies in the Criminal and Social Sciences (Argentina) and employee at the Federal Criminal Cassation Chamber in the Judicial Branch of Argentina, and he’s now the Training Area Director of the JSCA with rich experience in legal consultancies and international projects. In addition, González has offered training programs and has participated as a presenter at seminars, workshops and meetings in the U.S., Canada, Austria, Mexico and many other countries.


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