香港城市大学Michail Tsimplis 教授及赵亮博士讲座通知


应法学院邀请,香港城市大学法律学院Michail Tsimplis教授以及助理教授赵亮博士将为我院师生举办学术讲座,并就香港城市大学法律学院与我院的研究生联合培养项目做宣讲,欢迎关注。讲座信息如下:



讲座人:Michail Tsimplis教授











Michail Tsimplis教授原为英国南安普顿大学法学院海商法教授,从事海商法研究多年,享有较高的国际声誉。



Notice of Lecture by Professor Michail Tsimplis and Dr. Zhao Liang

At the invitation of the Law School of DMU, Professor Michail Tsimplis and Dr. Zhao Liang from the School of Law of the City University of Hong Kong will be giving lectures to the law faculties and students regarding maritime law. An introduction of the “1+1+1” collaboration program between CityU and DMU will also be given after the lectures. All are welcome.

Talk one:

Topic: Issues relating to limitation of liabilities for maritime claims

Speaker: Professor Michail Tssimplis

Time: 3:30 - 5:00 pm, October 17,2019

Venue: Room 216, Law Building

Talk two:

Topic: Concurrent causation in insurance: Chinese law and English law compared

speaker: Dr. Zhao Liang

Time: 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm, October 17,2019

Venue: Room 216, Law Building

About the speakers

Michail (Mikis) Tsimplis is Professor of Law at City University of Hong Kong. Prior to this, he has been a Professor in Maritime Law and Oceanography at the University of Southampton, UK. Where he has been working since 1995. Mikis’s research interests are in maritime and environmental law and the policies underpinning them. Mikis has also worked extensively in interdisciplinary research project looking at maritime autonomy and the use of technology for optimizing sea transport. Mikis has also research interest in oceanography and sea level science. He has published extensively in both fields.

Dr Zhao Liang is an Assistant Professor of School of Law at City University of Hong Kong. He obtained LLB at Dalian Maritime University, LLM at University of Southampton and PhD at The University of Hong Kong. His research interests include maritime law, insurance law, international trade law and arbitration law. He has published academic papers in reputable periodicals, including Journal of Business Law, Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, Journal of International Maritime Law, Tulane Maritime Law Journal, Arbitration International, Hong Kong Law Journal, Tsinghua China Law Review and Chinese Journal of Maritime Law. He is a member of Hong Kong Maritime Law Association, Hong Kong Insurance Law Association and China Maritime Law Association.


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