活动预告 | 法学院国际周系列活动之:国际环境与能源


DMU International Week

12-16 October 2020


讲座通知 Notice of Lecture

讲座一 Lecture one

讲座一: 国际环境法——制定与遵守

Lecture One: International Environmental Law – Lawmaking and Compliance


Date: 15 October 2020 (Thursday), 18:00-19:30 PM

讲座平台:ZOOM会议(ID: 891 7349 8789;Passcode: 435855)

Platform: ZOOM Meeting(ID: 891 7349 8789;Passcode: 435855)

讲座二 Lecture Two


Lecturer Two: International Climate Change Regime and Transition to Low Carbon Economy


Date: 16 October 2020 (Friday), 18:00-19:30 PM

讲座平台:ZOOM会议(ID: 898 1088 4001;Passcode: 093402)

Platform: ZOOM Meeting(ID: 898 1088 4001;Passcode: 093402)

主讲人 Speaker

主讲人:Aleksandra Cavoski教授(英国伯明翰大学)

Speaker: Prof. Aleksandra Cavoski

主持人 Moderator

主持人:高晓露 副教授

Moderator: Prof. Xiaolu Gao

讲座语言 Language


Language: English


About the speaker

Aleksandra Cavoski 教授毕业于贝尔格莱德大学法学院(获得法学博士学位),曾在塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德大学任教,做过美国弗吉尼亚州华盛顿与李大学(Washington and Lee University)客座教授,并曾在塞尔维亚司法部任职,也担任过世界银行、欧盟委员会和欧洲与安全合作组织的法律顾问。自2012年起,加入英国伯明翰大学法学院,从事环境能源方面的教学和科研工作。她的主要研究领域包括环境法和欧盟法,也包括和国际公法相关的问题,著述丰硕。

Aleksandra Cavoski joined the Birmingham Law School in September 2012. Previously she was Professor at Union University School of Law in Belgrade, Serbia and a Visiting Professor at Washington and Lee University, in Lexington, Virginia and at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade. She has worked in the Ministry of Justice in Serbia and as a consultant for the World Bank, European Commission and the OSCE.

Dr Cavoski's principal research interests are in the field of environmental law and EU law, including certain aspects of public international law. Her research agenda is inter-disciplinary and explores the intersection of law and other disciplines, in particular politics, science, public policy and language. She is also particularly interested in how law is affected by the social context in which it is formulated and implemented.


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