应大连海事大学法学院、大连海事大学涉外法治人才协同培养创新基地共同邀请,英国斯旺西大学副校长、人文与社会科学学部部长、法学教授Ryan Murphy拟于2024年12月3日上午为我院本科生举行学术讲座。具体安排如下:
The Meaning and Function of Law
12月3日周二上午08:30-10:30(3 December Tuesday 08:30-10:30 AM)
主讲人:Prof. Ryan Murphy
综合楼二楼凌水国际会议厅 (Lingshui International Conference Hall, Floor 2, Administration Building)
英语 (English)
Ryan joined the University as an Associate Professor in March 2019 and was promoted to Professor of Law in March 2021. Before this, he was the Dean of Aston Law School in Birmingham and a Reader of Legal Education.
At Swansea, Ryan is currently the Interim Executive Dean and Pro-Vice Chancellor of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Ryan is a recognised authority on legal education reform and has worked closely with the Solicitors Regulation Authority and the Law Society on reforms to education and training at all stages – academic, pre- and post-qualification. He acts as a peer-reviewer for The Law Teacher - a leading legal education journal – with specialism in technology-enhanced learning and curriculum design and was a member of the Education Sub-committee of the Society of Legal Scholars. He has acted as an external subject expert for a number of programme validations and is happy to undertake more of these in the future.
In 2020, Ryan published a textbook on the Legal System of England & Wales and is interested in contemporary approaches to teaching the fundamentals of law and legal skills. He has won many awards for his teaching and very much enjoys being in the classroom. As well as legal systems, Ryan has also taught EU, Public and Employment Law. He warmly invites potential PhD students interested in any of the above topics, including those with an interest in legal education.