Yen-Chiang Chang:Legal practices and challenges in addressing climate change and its impact ontheoceans—A Chineseperspective


Legal practices and challenges in addressing climate change and its impact ontheoceans—A Chineseperspective 

Yen-Chiang Chang,Chuanliang Wang,Mehran Idris Khanb,Nannan Wang

School of Law,Dalian Maritime University,China

School of Law,Shandong University,China 

School of Maritime Economics and Management,Dalian Maritime University,China

Keywords: Oceanwarming Legalchallenge Climatechange Oceangovernance Chineseperspective

Abstract: Two key drivers, ocean warming and ocean acidification, affect the oceans and adds to the climate change adversely.International legal and policy instruments contain certain measures to tackle these growing effects. China is also committed to addressing th e effects of climate change on the oceans.The overlapping of different systems has,however,created some difficulties in practice and further coordination is urgently required.This paper uses qualitative methods to investigate China's legal practices in addressing the effects of climate change and their impact on the oceans.The study considers newly introduced policies and recent actions launched by the Chinese Government to chart a clearer picture of the current practices.To this end,it is concluded that the ultimate solution in avoiding the worsening effects of climate change on the oceans would be to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases worldwide, and China aims to take advantage of playing leading role in such efforts.



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