An ocean community with a shared future: Conference report
Weibin Zhang
School of Law, Anhui University of Finance and Economics,
Yen-Chiang Chang
School of Law, Dalian Maritime University,China
Liangfu Zhang School of Law, Hainan University, China
Abstract:‘An Ocean Community with A Shared Future’ is an idea that was proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping in April 2019. This is a political proposal which needs further interpretation: what is its legal basis; what are its main contents; how can this proposal be implemented? In light of these questions, this forum studies related theoretical and practical issues. The proposal of, ‘An Ocean Community with a Shared Future’ provides a new idea for the construction of a global ocean governance system. The international community, including China, should accelerate the process of building consensus and build a sense of, ‘An Ocean Community with a Shared Future’, working together to address challenges, as well as initiating more practical and mutually beneficial cooperation, in order to achieve resilient common development. This conference report summarises the core issues discussed during the conference, which should encourage a better understanding of the essence of the meeting.
Keywords:An ocean community with a shared future; International rule of law; Global ocean governance