师生四海聚云端 身在天涯心向学 | 大连海事大学法学院国际学生顺利开展线上教学



法学院海商法系外籍教师Filippo Lorenzon教授为英授硕士留学生开设的“The Law of Charterparties”(租船合同)程课,师生分属中国、英国、肯尼亚、巴拿马四个国家所在的不同时区。经过反复协商试验,最终确定使用Zoom平台在北京时间每周四和周五晚上7时开始上课。这一上课时间综合考虑了大部分国际学生的时差,但是由于巴拿马和大连之间有13小时的时差,师生为了课程的顺利进行不得不做出特殊的努力。经过一段时间的磨合,师生逐渐适应了线上教学的新方式。Lorenzon教授表示,“虽然在线授课无法完全替代并再现教室授课时师生互动的情景,但Zoom平台可以让老师在屏幕上看到每一名学生、和每一名学生交流,屏幕共享、学生做展示(presentation)并就要点问题展开辩论这些功能的实现,使得师生们充分认识到这是疫情期间可以采用的最好的教学方式。”

(Filippo Lorenzon教授在为国际学生授课)

海商法系外籍教师Proshanto K. Mukherjee教授于1月底离开学校赴孟加拉、印度两国参加学术会议,因受疫情影响一直滞留在印度,无法返回校园。在法学院及留学生教育中心的帮助下,Mukherjee教授通过微信视频的方式为两名英授博士留学生讲授“Admiralty Law: theory and practice”(海事法:理论与实践)课程。两名留学生一位身在巴基斯坦,另一位留守校园。师生三人组通过微信平台,建立起了印度克塔克——巴基斯坦古吉兰瓦拉——中国大连三地间的线上无障碍交流。

(Proshanto K. Mukherjee教授在为博士留学生授课)

海商法系教师张晏玱教授在寒假期间赴台湾地区开展合作科研的过程中,因受疫情影响回程航班取消而被迫滞留。虽然随身携带的设备和资料有限,张晏玱教授仍然按时开始了既定的授课计划,从开学第一周起为英授硕士留学生和中国学生共同讲授“The Law of the Sea”(海洋法)课程,是国际学生和本土学生融合培养这一国际化人才培养模式的最好体现。张晏玱教授告诉我们,“透过网路授课不仅让在世界各地的留学生的学习不因疫情而受影响,更因新技术的运用,让网上课堂变得更丰富有趣。”



Professors and students gather from all over the world to teach and learn online

- Dalian Maritime University Law School successfully carries out online teaching for international students

Dalian Maritime University Law School, as a law school featuring foreign and maritime affairs, has three foreign professors and about 50 registered international students pursing bachelor's, master's and PhD degrees. During the winter vacation, some of them went abroad for academic exchange, study and official visits. As a consequence of the closure of land borders and the flight restrictions brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, they were prevented to return to China and remain scattered all over the world to date. With active coordination of the Law School and the International Students Education Center, real time online alternative delivery methods were adopted immediately with positive feedback from professors and students.

Professor Filippo Lorenzon, a foreign professor in the Maritime Department of the Law School, is delivering his usual "The Law of Charterparties" LLM course to students currently located in China, the United Kingdom, Kenya, Mongolia and Panama under four different time zones. After discussing alternatives with the students, it was decided the Zoom platform was the most appropriate and functional and classes now start at 7 PM Beijing time every Thursday and Friday. The schedule takes into account the time difference of most international students, but since Panama and Dalian are 13 hours apart some special effort was unavoidable. After a short period of adaptation, teachers and students gradually adapted to the new way of online teaching. Professor Lorenzon commented that “Although there is no substitute for class teaching and live student-teacher interaction, the students understand that this is the best way to further their studies while keeping themselves and others safe. Zoom allows the teacher to see all students on screen and talk to them individually so to make sure they all follow the gist of the relevant topic. With screen sharing and the possibility of asking students to give short presentations and share bullet point arguments, performance can be closely monitored and feedback is readily available.”

Professor Proshanto K. Mukherjee, a foreign professor from the Maritime Law Department, left the campus at the end of January to attend academic conferences in Bangladesh and India, and has been held up in India due to the impact of the COVID-19. With the help of the Law School and the International Students Education Centre, Prof Mukherjee started teaching his “Admiralty Law: theory and practice" course to two international PhD students via WeChat. One of his PhD students is in Pakistan, while the other stays on campus at DMU. Through the WeChat platform, the group has established barrier-free online communication between India (Cuttack), Pakistan (Gujranwala) and China (Dalian).

During the winter vacation, Professor Chang Yen-Chiang, a professor from the Maritime Law Department went to Taiwan to conduct research cooperation. He has to stay in Taiwan because of the cancellation of his return flight due to COVID-19. Despite the limited amount of equipment and materials he brought with him, Prof. Chang started his teaching on time. From the first week of the spring semester, he gives lectures on "The Law of the Sea" to both international and Chinese students. The course is the best embodiment of the international talents training mode - an integrated training of international and Chinese students. Professor Chang told us, “Online teaching not only allow foreign students around the world to study without the impact of the pandemic, but also makes online classes more colorful and interesting with the use of new technologies."

Since 2013, nearly 100 international students have studied for qualifying degrees and nearly 600 have received short-term education in the Law School of DMU. The multicultural and multi-educational background of the international students has considerably increased the challenge for the teaching and administrative staff of DMU Law School. While providing high-quality legal education and other services for international students, the Law School has developed and adapted its teaching style to ensure international students have access to the same level of top quality legal education which has been at the very heart of DMU education for the last century and has given our University the global reputation which enjoys now. The challenges created by the current pandemic have reinforced the School distance learning resources and brought students and teachers closer together in the concerted effort to overcome a common threat.


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