讲座预告 | 【明德尚法讲堂】美国法下的船员权利


本期明德尚法讲堂特邀杜兰大学海商法研究中心主任Martin Davies教授为我院师生做讲座欢迎大家积极参加!讲座及座谈安排如下:




Topic:The rights of seafarers under US law

主讲人:Martin Davies教授(美国杜兰大学)

Speaker:Prof. Martin Davies, Tulane University


Date:11 December 2020 (Friday), 08:30-11:30 AM


腾讯会议 (会议号:177 402 804; 会议密码:202012)

VooV Meeting(ID:177 402 804; Passcode:202012)




主讲人简介About the speaker

Martin Davies教授是国际知名的海商法专家,曾任教于澳大利亚、英国、新加坡、意大利等国,自2000年起加入美国杜兰大学法学院,现为杜兰大学海商法研究中心主任。同时,他也是Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 以及Melbourne Journal of International Law等学术期刊的编委会成员。除了海商法,他对国际货物买卖和侵权法也有深入研究,在前述研究领域发表了大量著作。

Martin Davies is an international authority on admiralty law who has taught in Australia, England, Singapore and Italy as well as the United States. He joined the Tulane Law School faculty in 2000 after a visiting appointment in 1999. He previously taught at the University of Melbourne, Australia, where he was Harrison Moore Professor of Law. Davies, who has been a professional actor, also has worked as a consultant for maritime law firms for 30 years and is presently engaged by an international law firm with a maritime law practice in many countries. He serves on the Editorial Board of Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly and the Melbourne Journal of International Law. In addition to admiralty, he teaches in the areas of international sale of goods and torts. And he has written (or co-written) books on maritime law, international trade law, international sale of goods and torts. He received the Felix Frankfurter Distinguished Teaching Award from the Tulane Law School graduating class in 2003 and 2011. He was chosen for a Tulane University President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2012.


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