通知 | 法学院Filippo Lorenzon教授联合国贸发会培训课程开讲预告



受联合国贸发会邀请,法学院Filippo Lorenzon 教授将在5月3-6日的第一轮四天的线上课程中,参加第一天(关于买卖合同)、第三天(关于提单)和第四天(练习和问答环节)的课程讲授。欢迎点击文末“阅读原文”或下方链接,完成“在线注册(Register online)”,免费参加课程学习。完全全部课程学习的学员,将获得结业证书。



Filippo Lorenzon教授简介

Filippo Lorenzon教授曾任英国南安普顿大学海商法研究中心主任,自2018年8月起正式加入大连海事大学法学院,受聘为商法和海商法教授。主要讲授“租船合同”、“英美海商法”、“欧盟航运法”、“国际海上货物运输公约”等课程,作为主要作者出版了“Sasson on C.I.F. and F.O.B. Contracts”(第七版)、“Maritime Law”(第五版)等著作。

2021年,Filippo Lorenzon教授受邀为UNCTAD撰写了两份关于新冠疫情对国际贸易和货物索赔影响的简报,广泛讨论了新冠疫情带来的法律和实践问题,以及疫情对国际间货物顺利流动造成的障碍。


新闻 | 法学院外籍教授主笔联合国贸发会新冠疫情法律问题简报

新闻 | 法学院Filippo Lorenzon教授参加Maritime Law(第五版)新书推介暨学术研讨会

专著 | 大连海事大学法学院Filippo Lorenzon 教授新作推荐

Prof. Filippo Lorenzon of DMU will deliver UNCTAD training course

The impacts of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and related response measures have resulted in significant operational disruptions and delays across global networks, with important implications for the performance of international commercial contracts. Against this background, UNCTAD has developed a four-day virtual training course with a focus on the implications of the pandemic for some of the key commercial contracts in international shipping and trade, in particular contracts for the international sale of goods on Shipment Terms CIF and FOB and carriage of goods by sea under charterparties and bills of lading.

The course is designed to help in the understanding and assessment of key issues arising from the pandemic for the different types of closely interconnected contracts; the relevant legal implications; as well as contractual approaches to addressing some of these, in particular the use of standard form clauses for commercial risk-allocation between the parties.

Prof. Filippo Lorenzon, the professor of commercial law and maritime law of Dalian Maritime University, has been invited to deliver the course. He will be covering most of day one on sale contracts, half of day three (bills of lading) and part of day four (with exercises and Q&A). Those who are interested in the course are welcomed to register online viathe following linkorvia "阅读原文"at the end of the text.Participants who complete the full course will receive a course certificate.


About Professor Filippo Lorenzon

Professor Filippo Lorenzon joined the DMU Law School since August, 2018. As a professor of commercial law and maritime law, he teaches Charterparties, Maritime Law in UK & US, European Shipping Law, International Conventions on Carriage of Goods by Sea. He has extensive publications as the main contributor, including “Sasson on C.I.F. and F.O.B. Contracts”(7th edition), “Maritime Law”(5th edition).

In 2021, Professor Filippo Lorenzon worked with the UNCTAD on two UNCTAD briefs on the effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on international trade and cargo claims. The two briefs discussed extensively the legal and practical issues caused by the Covid-19 Pandemic and the obstacles it has created to the smooth flowing of goods across International boundaries.



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