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Professor Wang Shitao from Law School was invited to attend Financial Rule of Law High-end Forum in Peking University

Published on:Oct 29, 2015

From October 27 to 28, Professor Wang Shitao from Law School attended Financial Rule of Law High-end Forum in Peking University upon invitation by China Institute for Educational Finance Research. The main topic of this forum is “Legal Construction of Relations between Central and Local Finance”. Scholars from Law School of Peking University, Law School of Renmin University of China, China University of Political Science and Law, East China University of Political Science and Law, Law School of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Institute of Law of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Law School of Hunan University and Law School of Zhengzhou University attended this academic forum together. The scholars discussed deep about the issues on Chinese finance relations between central and local governments, legal problem in the fiscal transfer payments system, legal construction of finance “partner assistance”, regional balance of finance, government funds, system of tax distribution and local autonomy, etc.

During the forum, Professor Wang reviewed the paper “System Source and Reform Path of Resource Allocation Imbalance” written by Professor Zhang Qianfan, famous constitutional scholar from Law School of Peking University. He also commented on the papers of Professor Zhai Jiguang from Institute of Law of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Professor Song Jinli from Law School of Hunan University. Two-days’ forum agenda was very compact, and there was great amount of information. The scholars faced problems straightly and learned from each other, as a result, each one of them benefited a lot. At the same time, the forum had positive sense to expand the external academic influence of DMU to a certain extent.

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