From October 23 to 24, Law School doctoral student Wang Hengsi went to Hong Kong University to attend "China Law Doctoral Students BBS" meeting. The BBS was jointly organized by Australia Melbourne university school of law (MLS) Asia research center and Hong Kong school of law (HKULS), its theme was "China law and the new development of China's jurisprudence". More than 30 Professors and PhD students attended from the university of Melbourne, Hong Kong university, Peking university, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Law, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China University of Political Science.
During the conference, Wang Hengsi addressed a speech - "New development of crew wages priority under Chinese Law” which introduced the maritime lien system, protection of crew’s rights and interests, as well as the latest development of legislation and judicature in our country. And Wang Hengsi also discussed this problem deeply with other Professors, doctoral candidates whom attending the meeting.
Wang Hengsi communicated with Professor Pip, Nicholson, director of Asia center of Melbourne University, and Deputy Director and Professor Sarah vidal, (Sarah Biddulph) about the topic. Wang gave them warmly invitation them to visit our Law School. On the other hand, Wang Hengsi expressed sincere gratitude to Professor Michael Tilbury (Hong Kong University) and invited him to come to DMU Law School once time.