On the morning of March 5th, Erasmus Shipinvest Group’s Lan Xi Award donation ceremony was held in the Law Building of Dalian Maritime University. At the donation ceremony, Mr. Jin Wei, deputy director of the alumni affairs and cooperation department, introduced the establishment of the “Lan Xi Award”, and presented the donation certificate on behalf of DMU to Mr. Su Zhongyi, the founder of the award and the chairman of Erasmus Shipinvest Group. The first three students who received this award (Mr. Su Zhitao, an undergraduate from the College of Navigation; Mr. Xu Zhibin, a graduate student from the College of Ship Electrical Engineering; and Miss Liu Ye, a graduate student from the Law School) reported their experiences of internship at Erasmas Shipinvest Group. Mr. SuZhongyi shared with teachers and students of his alma materhis work and study experience over the past 20 years. Mr. Ma Zhongqiang, vice dean of the College of Navigation, Mr. Bi Pengjie, deputy secretary of College of Engineering, professor Niu Xiaobing, vice dean of College of Ship Electrical Engineering, and professor Han Lixin, vice dean of the Law School also attended the donation ceremony and made a useful discussion with the representatives of Erasmus Shipinvest Group on the mode of training shipping talents. The donation ceremony was presided over by Ms. Yu Shihui, assistant dean of the Law School.

Mr. Jin Wei, deputy director of alumni affairs and cooperation department, issued donation certificate.
Erasmus Shipinvest Groupis an international integrated shipping group that started operations in 2010, focusing on dry bulk ocean shipping in maritime transport, as well as the holding, management and leasing of maritime assets. The Group has a crew of more than 400 and more than 40 onshore staff, with branches in major shipping centers in Greece, Singapore, China, Holland, Japan and Switzerland, it can provide high quality service to traders all over the world. Mr. Su Zhongyi, the chairman of Erasmus Shipinvest Group, was the graduate of DMU Law School of year 1999 who majored in maritime law. He is the director of London Association and the member of the Chinese Mediterranean and has a high reputation in shipping area. He regularly attends various world shipping conferences as chairman or speaker. Over the years, he was not only devoting himself to the development of the shipping industry but also insisting to give back to his alma mater and push the development of shipping education. In December 2017, Mr. Su set up the “Lan Xi Award” in DMU Law School which is intended to support excellent undergraduates and graduate students majoring in maritime law, navigation and marine engineering to carry out shipping practice activities in the companies (both overseas and domestic) and branches of Erasmus Shipinvest Group.

Mr. Su Zhongyicommunicated with teachers and students.
The “Lan Xi Award” has established a funding model for selecting excellent students to do internship in shipping enterprises. Through the practice, students firm their goals of study and future development; the enterprises have the chance to meet excellent students and lay the foundation for talents reserve; the school has deeper thoughts on the mode of talents cultivation through such kind of cooperation and thus we could realize the shipping enterprises-students-university three-party win-win good situation.

A photo of delegates at the donation ceremony.