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DMU Law School in UNCITRAL Meetings of Judicial Sale of Ships

Published on:May 23, 2019

On 13-17 May 2019, Prof. Chu Beiping and Prof. Zhu Zuoxian from Dalian Maritime University Law School attended the 35th session of Working Group VI of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), which addressed cross-boarder issues related to the judicial sale of ships. Prof. Li Hai, the former dean of DMU Law School and currently the adjunct professor of DMU, Prof. Li Lianjun, the visiting professor of DMU Law School, were both in the Chinese delegation to the UNCITRAL Working Group meetings.



During the session, a general discussion was firstly conducted regarding whether the“Draft International Convention on Foreign Judicial Sales of Ships and their Recognition”(Beijing Draft) could be used as a basis for further discussions. It was finally agreed that the Beijing Draft could be taken as the starting point. Then, the text of the Beijing Draft was divided into four parts, each of which has been through detailed deliberations.Representatives from the delegation of each members state of UNCITRAL, the IMO, the European Union, the International Shipowners Association, the International Law Research Center and the Asia Law Center expressed different views. The last day of the session saw the deliberations on the draft report of the 35th session of Working Group VI and its approval. It was also decided that a new text will be drafted on the basis of the discussion of 35 th session which will provide reference for further discussions in next session to be held on 18-33 November 2019, at Vienna, Austria.



The Chinese delegation to the 35th session was organized by the Ministry of Commerce and was consist of nine representative from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Transport (Professor Chu Beiping), Chinese Maritime Law Association (professor Zhu Zuoxian), Department of Justice and Marine Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region respectively. In the break of the session, prof. Chu Beiping and prof. Zhu zuoxian visitedCounsellor Liu Yang, Representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry to the United Nations, Mr. Qu Wensheng fromthe United Nations Codification Divisionand Ms. Xingfei fromthe United Nations Asia-Pacific Division. The above mentioned experts provided comments on the talent training in international organizations and the discipline construction of international laws.



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