Dr Markus Pallek will host a lecture on public international law. All are welcome!
Topic: Current Developments in International Law at the United Nations
Date: 26 July, 2019 (Friday)
Time: 09:30-11:30 a.m.
Venue: Room 216, Law Building, DMU
Language: English
About the speaker
Dr. iur. Markus Pallek, Doctor iuris (Ph.D. equivalent) from University of Würzburg (Germany), Master of laws (LL.M.) from New York University (USA), Master of Diplomacy and Public Administration (MPA) from Ecole Nationaled’Administration (France) and a lawyer in Berlin, New York and Washington, D.C. From 2003 to present, he has served as the Senior Legal Officer in the Office of the Under-Secretary-General of the Office of Legal Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat and the Assistant of legal affairs to Mr. Miguel de Serpa Soares, the Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations. He has taught at Humboldt-University in Berlin, New York University and many other internationally renowned universities. Areas of expertise: International law issues under the legal framework of the United Nations.